John Brown and the Raid on the Harpers Ferry Armory


John Brown, 1859.

Courtesy of the National Archives

John Brown was the mastermind behind the raid on the Harpers Ferry Armory on October 16-18, 1859. He was an abolitionist who had taken part in the Bleeding Kansas crisis between the pro-slavery "Border Ruffians" and anti-slvery "Free-staters" in mid-1856. He led a company of men against the white slaveholders not being satisfied with the passive method favored by a number of abolitionists. Brown's participation in these battles and leadership in these battles earned him the nicknames of "Osawatomie Brown" and "Captain Brown". While Brown was initially successful in his taking over the armory with his small band of supprters, Brown was injured and ultimately arrested. He was tried for treason, conspiracy against the State of Virginia, and murder. He was executed by hanging on December 2, 1859.

John Brown and the Raid on the Harpers Ferry Armory