Journalism Odds and Ends from Both Black and White Newspapers


Douglass's Monthly

Courtesy of Accessible Archives


Green Mountain Freeman Newspaper

Courtesy of the Library of Congress Newspaper Archives

Both of these odds and ends were indicitive of the shockwaves felt through the country after John Brown's raid. In the South, they had long held that the enslaved were happy with their situations, they later found out that was far from the truth, and in the North, they feared more blacks would take up arms in a bid to obtain freedom for their loved ones.

Weapons were removed from a colored volunteer regiment in Philadelphia with the only reason being no one wanted a repeat of the John Brown affair.

The song printed in the newspaper was written to the tune of "Ten Little Indian Boys" about John Brown and his black supporters.

Journalism Through Different Lenses
Journalism Odds and Ends from Both Black and White Newspapers